Smooth green snake

smooth green snake
a smooth green snake in Ontario
Conservation status
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Subphylum: Vertebrata
Class: Reptilia
Order: Squamata
Suborder: Serpentes
Family: Colubridae
Subfamily: Colubrinae
Genus: Opheodrys
Species: O. vernalis
Binomial name
Opheodrys vernalis
(Harlan, 1827)
  • Coluber vernalis Harlan, 1827
  • Chlorosoma vernalis - Baird & Girard, 1853
  • Herpetodryas vernalis - Hallowell, 1856
  • Cyclophis vernalis - Günther, 1858
  • Liopeltis vernalis - Cope, 1860
  • Contia vernalis - Boulenger, 1894
  • Liochlorophis vernalis - Oldham & Smith, 1991

The smooth green snake (Opheodrys vernalis) is a nonvenomous North American colubrid. It is also referred to as the grass snake. It's a slender, "small medium" snake that can be found in marshes, meadows, open woods, and along stream edges. It's native to regions of Canada, Illinois, Virginia, Wyoming, New Mexico, Iowa, Missouri, Colorado, Texas, and northern Mexico. A non-aggressive snake, it seldom bites and usually flees when threatened. It mates in late spring to summer and females lay their eggs from June to September.



The smooth green snake is slender.[2] Its size is classified as a "small medium" snake[3], reaching to 36–51 cm (14-20 in.) as an adult. The longest smooth green snake was measured as being 66 cm (26 in.) long.[4] The tail makes up about 1/4 to 1/2 the total length of the snake; males have longer tails than females.[5] It is uniform light green on its back, with a yellow or white belly, and has smooth dorsal scales,[6] unlike those of the rough green snake. At birth, its scales are a different color than when it matures.[2] At first, it can be olive green, blue-gray, or even brown, but after it sheds its skin for the first time, its scales becomes the characteristic bright green.[7] The dorsal coloration can vary depending on location: bluish in Kansas, olive-tinted light brown in southeastern Texas, and bronze in northern Wisconsin.[5] Typical for a non-venomous snake, its eyes are large and round. It uses its tongue, red with a black end, by flicking it in and out of its mouth to "smell" what is around it.[7]


Geographic range

The smooth green snake is only native to the Nearctic region. The range spreads through northeastern Canada, west to Saskatchewan, and south through Illinois and Virginia. It can also be found in other areas such as Wyoming, New Mexico, Iowa, Missouri, Colorado, Texas, and northern Mexico.[9]


It is hunted by various predators, including the red-tailed hawk, great blue heron, rough-legged buzzard, bears, raccoons, foxes, and the common house cat. Humans also find these snakes in the wild and keep them for pets.[10] The smooth green snake population is also declining due to the use of pesticides, as well as destruction of habitats.[11] Pesticides are particularly harmful to the snake when used in riparian ares, mountain foothills and meadows. Habitat destruction is caused by road building, logging, cattle grazing, and the dewatering of streams. The flooding, freezing, or destruction of dens can destroy large numbers of smooth green snakes at a time.[5] Human recreational activities, like off-road vehicles near wetlands, are also damaging the habitat of the Smooth green snake. Additionally, they are subjected to commercial collection because of their nice skin coloration, passive nature, and small size. However, it is known to survive well in captivity.[5]

Conservation status

The snake is of least concern in terms of conservation, but the concern is increasing in the U.S.[12] While there is some research showing that the population of the snake is declining, only a small number of states protect it. Iowa, Missouri, Indiana, North Carolina, and Montana protect the smooth green snake. Wyoming, Nebraska, and Colorado also protect the snake under state law. This law prohibits commercial collection of the snake and it also limits collection by individuals.[5]


The snake can be found in many different habitats, including marshes, meadows, the edges of streams, and open woods. It prefers to be on the ground, in opens areas without a lot of shrubs. During hibernation, the smooth green snake looks for burrows, ant hills, and other dug-out underground areas, normally gathering in large numbers.[2] It prefers moist habitats and areas near a permanent water source, usually staying in green areas for camouflage.[7][12] Being cold blooded, it prefers warm areas, laying in the sun on rocks and logs, also using them for hiding.[9]


Smooth green snakes rely on the environment for camouflage matching their green scales in order to protect themselves from predators. If threatened, a smooth green snake will usually flee. They are docile snakes, they seldom bite and they usually allow humans to come close.[12] If provoked, it can secrete a substance from its anal gland, causing a foul smell.[10] When handled by humans, it usually shows exited behavior and calms down after wrapping itself around a finger. When it hunts, it turns its head from side to side, finding prey with its tongue and an organ on the roof of its mouth that interprets chemical signals. It has no ears, relying on vibrations to figure out its surroundings. Also, the snake has no eyelids. Its sight is relatively strong over short distances. Due to stretchy ligaments in its jaw, it can swallow prey whole, even those that are larger than its own body diameter. It can shed its skin as often as every 4 to 5 weeks, allowing for growth.[10]

During months when the weather is warmer, the snake tends to be active; while in the winter months, when the weather is cool, it hibernates in groups. Ant hills and rodent burrows are utilized during hibernation as part-time homes. The snake is usually active during the day, but during warmer months, it can also be found at night.[11]


Smooth green snakes mostly eat insects and spiders.[2] The snake eats a variety of specimens including spineless caterpillars, harvestmen, moths, ants, snails, worms, and slugs. While hunting, it uses both chemical and visual clue to find prey, and kills with a strike instead of constriction. [5]


Sexually mature smooth green snakes mate in the late spring or summer, and gravid females lay eggs from June to September. Usually, two clutches are laid, each containing 4-6 eggs. Females usually lay their eggs in rodent burrows, mounds of rotting vegetation, sawdust piles, or rotting logs.[13] Within the northern inhabitants of this species communal nesting has been observed.[5] Smooth green snake eggs are white and oval;they have thin shells and are about one inch in length.[7] They have an average mass of 2.6 grams.[5] The eggs hatch 4–23 days after being laid.[13]


  1. ^ Cox, N., Chanson, J.S. & Stuart, S.N. (Global Reptile Assessment Coordinating Team) (2008). Liochlorophis vernalis. In: IUCN 2008. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Downloaded on 14 Oct 2008.
  2. ^ a b c d "Smooth green snake". Townson University. Retrieved 24 October 2011. 
  3. ^ Wright & Wright 1957, p. 7, 552, 555-564, Figures 165 & 166, Map 43.
  4. ^ Conant 1975, p. 184-186, Plate 25, Map 134.
  5. ^ a b c d e f g h Smooth Green Snake (Opheodrys vernalis): A Technical Conservation Assessment. USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Region. Retrieved 6 December 2011. 
  6. ^ Schmidt & Davis 1941, p. 120-121, Figure 28, Plate 12.
  7. ^ a b c d "Northern Rockies Natural History Guide". The University of Montana. Retrieved 21 November 2011. 
  8. ^ Grobman, Arnold B. (1999). "Metamerism in the Snake Opheodrys vernalis, with a Description of a New Subspecies". Journal of Herpetology 26 (2): 175–186. 
  9. ^ a b "Smooth Green Snake". The Regents of the University of Michigan. Retrieved 30 November 2011. 
  10. ^ a b c Gregory, Adam. "Western Smooth Green Snake". South Dakota Department of Game, Fish and and Parks, Division of Wildlife, Pierre, SD. Retrieved 22 November 2011. 
  11. ^ a b "Smooth Green Snake". Lincoln Park Zoo. Retrieved 29 November 2011. 
  12. ^ a b c The Illustrated Encyclopedia of North American Reptiles and Amphibians. Mobilereference. Retrieved 22 November 2011. 
  13. ^ a b "Smooth Green Snake". UMassAmherst. Retrieved 21 November 2011. 


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